Dutch Weekly April 22-28

April 22-28

See the US Senior Art Portfolio Exhibit
The Holliman Gallery in the Walter Arts Center currently features an exhibit of our graduating seniors' work. You are invited to see this exhibition and meet with the artists at a reception in their honor. The reception will be on Wednesday, April 26, from 5-7 p.m. in the Holliman Gallery. Plan to stay for the MS/US Dance Concert that begins at 7 p.m. in the Branch Theatre.
US and MS dance concert set
The Middle and Upper School Spring Dance Concert is on Wednesday, April 26, at 7 p.m. in the Branch Theatre. Please join us as we perform pieces that celebrate the past with music we're sure you'll recognize, and honor our seniors in the Upper School Dance Ensemble's piece titled "Take It With You."
Take advantage of free HH athletic physicals

All Holland Hall students are required to keep a current annual physical exam on file in order to attend classes, participate in athletics and/or attend a sports/athletic camp during Summer Programs.
Advanced Orthopedics of Oklahoma is offering physical exams
When: Tuesday, May 2, at 5:15 p.m.
Where: AOOK, Cityplex Towers, 2406 East 81st Street, Suite 290, Tulsa, OK 74137
Cost: Free for HH students.
For HH students entering 6th-12th grades in 2023-24.
Please use the HH Physical Examination & Medical History form. (Parent must complete the medical history form and sign both pages of this document.)
Yearbooks are coming
The yearbooks are coming! Upper School will have a book signing party on May 3, and books will be distributed to middle and primary schools before the end of the term. If you haven't bought a book, there are overrun copies still available at Jostens.com.
Summer Programs registration is open! Act fast.

Are you planning your summer? Camps are filling quickly! We have Dutch athletic camps, Summer Athletic Commitment to keep our athletes conditioned and primed, academic enrichment, fun arts and crafts, MakerBot 3D Printing, Welcome to Holland Hall prep camps for your child's rising grade, gardening, science, Harry Potter camps and ocean adventures to name a few. We look forward to sharing our summer with you!
Seven one-week sessions run from May 30 - July 21.
Classes are available for 3-year-olds through adults. Call the Summer Programs office at (539) 476-8169 with any questions.
To register, go to www.hollandhall.org/summer.
Come to the Dutch Exchange!
The weather is changing! Did you get out your child's school shorts and discover they don't fit at all? Is there no way that your child's Dutch hoodie from this winter will fit next fall?
Choose from carefully curated, gently used khaki and navy shorts and pants, as well as primary, middle, and upper school shirts and skirts, in all sizes.
Dutch Exchange is located in the Dutch Zone in the Tandy and is open Wednesdays from 9-11 a.m. and 2-4 p.m., Thursdays from 8-10 a.m. and 2-4 p.m., and Fridays from 8-10 a.m. and 2-4 p.m.
Do you have a donation for the Dutch Exchange? You may drop off outgrown, clean, gently used Dutch outerwear, pants, shorts, skirts, jumpers, and shirts in the yellow bin near Ms. Silkman's desk in the Tandy anytime the Tandy is open. Please check for stains, rips, and tears before dropping your items off. Please donate only uniforms and Dutchwear in good condition that you would want your child to wear. Thank you!
Are you interested in volunteering at the Dutch Zone or Dutch Exchange next year? Please contact Ashley Parrish aparrish@hollandhall.org.

Dress code reminder for PS students
As we approach the end of the school year, it is important that all students continue to come to school in compliance with the established dress code. All students should be in a white top daily. Athletic shorts are not permitted. Skorts and jumpers should be in the plaid print available through C&J or Lands' End. For specific details about the dress code, click on the link below.
Make plans to explore the Middle School
Third-grade parents, it is almost time to start thinking about Middle School! We are so eager to meet you and your children, and we hope that you are excited for this next phase.
All third grade students will visit the Middle School on Monday, May 1. More details will be coming from their teachers. That evening, we invite you to a parent open house in the Middle School beginning at 5 p.m. with meet and greet with teachers. At 5:45 p.m., we will have a presentation in the MS Library and we will conclude by 6:30 p.m.
More details are in the email that was sent home. We look forward to seeing you there.
Visit the PS to see your children's art
Please come inside briefly at drop-off or pick-up to view your child's artwork in the Primary School-Library hallway. If you are unable to walk through, do not worry as all of their awesome artwork will go home after the show.
1st Grade: Monday, April 24-28
After-school enrichment classes offered
All American Girl Garden Party!
Come join Mrs. Bucholtz and Mrs. Gollihare for a blooming good time — American Girl Style! We will craft up a variety of beautiful April flowers, enjoy some springtime sing-a-ling-a-ling music while we snack and play during our All American Girl Garden Party!
Who: Grades PreK - 4th
When: Tuesday, April 18 - 3:05-4:45 p.m.
Where: Primary School Kindergarten Pod
Pick-up: Primary School flagpole at 4:45 p.m.
Register: dalmohandis@hollandhall.org
Class fee: $45
Maximum class size: 30
All American Girl — Memories in May!
Let's wrap up this school year with our friends by making a few more precious memories and a keepsake or two! Join Mrs. Bucholtz and Mrs. Gollihare for a walk down memory lane as we craft our happy times! We can't wait to see you on the 4th!!!
Who: Grades PreK - 4th
When: Thursday, May 4th - 3:05-4:45 p.m.
Where: Primary School Kindergarten Pod
Pick-up: Primary School flagpole at 4:45 p.m.
Register: dalmohandis@hollandhall.org
Class fee: $45
Maximum class size: 30

School pick-up help requested
After school, our pick-up line is getting a bit messy. For the last weeks of school, please help us by pulling forward all the way so as to not block our intersections and allow the maximum number of cars to be in line.
4th grade parents: On the north driveway, pull all the way to the orange cones, your child can walk in the grass to get to you.
5th grade parents: Fill in the driveway all the way to the circle drive.
8th grade Cardboard Boat Regatta set

Mark your calendars for one of the Middle School's most beloved traditions — the 8th Grade Cardboard Boat Regatta.
This year's contest is set for Thursday, May 18 at 1:45 p.m., at the Jenks Aquatic Center, 495 N. Birch St., Jenks.
Families are welcome to attend and must transport the boat to Jenks.
8th Grade Schedule for the Day:
9-10:30 a.m. - Academic 3 Exam, 8:15-10:30 a.m. (extended time)
10:30-10:45 a.m. - Break
10:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. - Academic 4 Exam, 10:45 a.m.-1 p.m. (extended time)
1-1:30 p.m. - Students eat lunch and change into boat race clothes (parents transport boats to race site)
1:45 p.m. - Begin Boat Line-up outside of Jenks Aquatic Center
2 p.m. - Races begin
3 p.m. - Students excused from site with parents
What parents can do to support students during finals
Preparation for final exams in 6th-8th grades is under way and there are important ways you can help. Below are specific ways you can support your child in the weeks leading up to final exams. The student support team will also provide weekly suggestions in the Dutch Weekly, so be sure to check it!
NON-ACADEMIC SUPPORTS: How parents can support their students at home — starting now.
TIME: Work with your student to determine which extra curricular activities and obligations will take up study time, which activities/obligations can be canceled, delayed, or rescheduled, to allow plenty of time for exam studying.
SLEEP: They need it.
STUDY SPOT: - Provide a quiet place for students to study and monitor it for supplies.
PLAN : Help your child stick with the study schedule provided and remind them to use the strategies recommended by their classroom teachers. Be sure they have breaks planned (timers can be a big help).
HELP - Be available to be a study partner, but do NOT drag them through the work.
April 25 - Teachers provide outlines by topic/unit.
May 2,3,4 - Teachers provide study guides.
May 10 - No new content presented after this date.
May 15-16 - Exam review days.
Your student's advisor is working with them to consider these research-informed strategies:
Always practice the way you are going to be tested. Most, if not all, of our students will be taking paper/pencil tests. So they should study using paper/pencil strategies.
Self-testing: Start by identifying which ideas/concepts/vocabulary words you do not know well.
Create practice tests that force you to write out explanations for the things that are hardest for you.
Write all you can about the information that is going to be on the test. This can be done on a large white board if you have one.
Make a plan to study and practice the information that is going to be tested by chunking it into smaller amounts. Consistently refer to the plan you created in advisory.
Create a one-page; take a large piece of paper and divide it into sections. In each section, you write all the important bits of information about what you are studying.
Read your notes out loud and write down questions you need to ask the teacher.
Use note cards to "collect" all the information about a topic from your notes or worksheets.
Use note cards to work with vocabulary. Go one step further and add a visual representation of the definition.
MS Final Exam schedule
Final Exams are coming up for 6th-8th grade students. In advisory, we will help them plan their time and organize their materials in preparation for these assessments. The schedule for exam days, May 17-19, can be found below. Gina Johnson will be in touch regarding extended time. Special times for 8th grade students on May 19 are also included.

Save the date for 8th grade graduation

Eighth Grade Graduation is right around the corner and co-chairs, Leigh Ann Moss-Sherburn and Kim Schutz, have plans well underway. They will be coordinating an 8th Grade Video montage for our students. To ensure your child is included in this video, please send 4-5 digital photos of your child (from any age, activities, or family events) in jpeg format with high resolution to HH8thGradeGraduation@gmail.com by April 15. Get out the tissues and start going through photos!
After-school enrichment classes offered
All American Girl Garden Party!
Come join Mrs. Bucholtz and Mrs. Gollihare for a blooming good time — American Girl Style! We will craft up a variety of beautiful April flowers, enjoy some springtime sing-a-ling-a-ling music while we snack and play during our All American Girl Garden Party!
Who: Grades PreK - 4th
When: Tuesday, April 18 - 3:05-4:45 p.m.
Where: Primary School Kindergarten Pod
Pick-up: Primary School flagpole at 4:45 p.m.
Register: dalmohandis@hollandhall.org
Class fee: $45
Maximum class size: 30
All American Girl — Memories in May!
Let's wrap up this school year with our friends by making a few more precious memories and a keepsake or two! Join Mrs. Bucholtz and Mrs. Gollihare for a walk down memory lane as we craft our happy times! We can't wait to see you on the 4th!!!
Who: Grades PreK - 4th
When: Thursday, May 4th - 3:05-4:45 p.m.
Where: Primary School Kindergarten Pod
Pick-up: Primary School flagpole at 4:45 p.m.
Register: dalmohandis@hollandhall.org
Class fee: $45
Maximum class size: 30

Dutch Weekend Masquerade is Saturday
Date: Saturday April 22
Time: 7-9 p.m.
Place: Five Oaks Lodge (528 E. 121st Street S - Jenks)
Dress: Formal
Tickets: $35
Outside Guests: Guest permission slips due Friday April 21 by 3 p.m.
Senior schedule set
April 28: Powder Puff game details have been set. Players and coaches should arrive at 5:30 p.m. The game starts at 6:30 p.m.
Seniors and their families are invited to a cookout after the game.
May 3:
All day: College T-shirt Day
7:45-8:15 a.m. Junior/Senior Breakfast
8:15 a.m.: Yearbook signing
TBD: Lifers go to the PS.
Monday, May 8: Math 9-11 a.m.| Religious Studies and Tech 1-3 p.m.
Tuesday, May 9: Science 9-11 a.m. | Social Studies 1-3 p.m.
Wednesday, May 10: World Language 9-11 a.m. | English 1-3 p.m.
Graduation and Baccalaureate Attire
HERE is the link again. Questions over attire? Please see College Counseling
Summer opportunities are on the horizon
It's time to begin conversations with your student about his/her plans to explore academic programs, jobs, volunteer positions, etc.
Each week, we'll showcase various programs at universities throughout the country and local options!
Follow College Counseling on social media for highlights about these programs:
Facebook - Holland Hall College Counselors
Instagram - hhcollegecounseling