Dutch Weekly Aug. 19-25


Campus tour with head of school set

What lies behind the woods? Where is the fishbowl? What the heck does TAFKAT stand for? Explore Holland Hall's rich history, lore, and traditions on this fun and informative campus tour led by Head of School JP Culley. We'll cover each building and much of the grounds via activity bus transport. We'll be hustling, and the entire tour will last 60-75 minutes.
Time: 9-10 a.m.
Meeting Spot: Front door of the Tandy
Invited: Holland Hall Families (limited to 15 people) please sign up by filling out the Google sign up form below.
HH families and students need to register cars for 2023-24 permit
Click here to register your car. You will be asked for the make/model/color and license plate number of your car.
Permits may be picked up at either at the Campus Safety office or can be picked up at the back to school events once you have registered.

PS attendance policy explained
If you child is running late or will be out for the day, you can call and leave a voicemail at 539-476-8040 or email Kindi Walker at kwalker@hollandhall.org with your child's name, grade, and teacher's name. Thanks so much and if you need anything please don't hesitate to reach out.
PS Lunchroom volunteers needed
Volunteer in the Primary School lunchroom! Do you want to see your child at lunch? Do you want to participate in mealtime without cooking or washing dishes? Then come serve lunch in the PS lunchroom! We are in need of parent volunteers to serve meals to kids who buy school lunch. It is a once monthly commitment from 11:20 a.m. - 1 p.m. Visit the link to get more info and to sign up!
EXTENDED DAY — Before and Aftercare information
When a family requires aftercare, please email students’ teachers/teaching assistants and copy Debbie Almohandis, dalmohandis@hollandhall.org, with your detailed request. Once a regular schedule is established, no further emails are required unless your child will not attend that day. Email the teacher with any changes to the regular schedule — or if you need drop-in care — copy Debbie Almohandis, dalmohandis@hollandhall.org.
For more information, click here, or visit hollandhall.org/parents.
Mark your calendars for Primary School Night at the Football Game

One of the best events of the year happens on Friday, Sept. 8 — Primary School Night at the Football Game!
Festivities will begin at 5 p.m. with food trucks, followed by a special performance from our Primary School students, and even a halftime performance from our Primary School Summer Cheer Camp participants. We will have temporary tattoos, stickers, face paint, football, and fun!

Uniform shirts and dress code information for 2023-24
The Dutch Zone in the Tandy will carry a few Middle School uniform shirts going forward. If you need a back-up or weren't able to order shirts in time for school to start, visit the Dutch Zone the week school starts. C&J Uniforms in the Fontana or landsend.com also have navy shirts. If you buy shirts from another retailer, please make sure they meet uniform guidelines and use a recommended embroidery source.
Find the uniform guidelines and a list of shops that do embroidery HERE. Please remember, you may not ask for logos to be put on any branded apparel — except Adidas for athletic purposes. The Holland Hall logo must be the only visible logo on shirts.
Don't forget the 7th Grade Class Picnic

The Welcome Back Picnic for 7th Grade Families is set for 5-7 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 22.
If you have any questions, reach out to Grade Coordinators Chelsea Showalter or Mindy Jones. To sign-up, click here.
6th Grade Family Picnic is coming up soon

Welcome back to school, 6th Grade! Please plan on coming to the School Picnic on Tuesday, August 29 from 5-6:30 p.m. Please signup to help bring an item to share.
5th Grade Family Kick-off set

We hope to see all the 5th grade families at the Donut event before drop-off on Wednesday, August 30 from 8-9 a.m.

Information about student parking on campus
Beginning with the 2023-2024 school year all students and seniors will have assigned, numbered parking spaces that correspond with their issued parking decal for the vehicle they will be driving to campus. The decals will be issued on a first come, first served basis, so the earlier the vehicle is registered, the closer the parking space will be.
Click here to begin the registration process for your vehicle.
Attendance policy reminder
Per the Parent/Student Handbook, a parent must call or email Jenna Alford (539-476-8287; usattendance@hollandhall.org) BEFORE a student will be permitted to leave campus for any reason.
Exceptions: school-related activities or Jr./Sr. privileges.
For appointments, a note is required from the provider in order for the absence to be considered excused. This should be turned in during check-in/the next morning or via email to usattendance@hollandhall.org.
Please contact Mrs. Alford with attendance-related questions.
9th grade parent meeting set
When: Wednesday, August 23, 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Where: Upper School Lecture Center
Who: Parents of all 9th grade students
After your children have been in school one week, we would like to meet to talk about the transition, answer questions, and provide important information about Freshman Orientation.
2023-24 student club applications due
Applications were sent out to the student body via email.
All students are required to join one club. Clubs are student generated with teacher sponsor oversight. Students are encouraged to start new clubs that fit their interests. Clubs should have a community centered purpose and goals for the year.
Click here to view a list of the current approved clubs.
Club Applications are due on Friday, August 25.
US Back to School Dance set
When: Saturday August 26, 7-9 p.m.
Where: MS Black Box Theater
Who: HH US students only
Theme: Teen Beach Movie
9th Grade student council elections are Aug. 31
9th grade Student Council applications have been sent out to the 9th-graders via email. Students interested in running for office need to fill out the application and submit it to Mrs. Kelly (via email) by Tuesday August 29. The 9th grade election will be held on Thursday, August 31, from 9 a.m.-4 p.m.