Dutch Weekly Aug. 26 - Sept. 1

A huge thank you
We know it was a hectic pick-up today, and we so appreciate our Holland Hall community for banding together and making it as smooth as possible.
Families, we appreciate your patience as we navigated an emergency situation that closed 81st Street for a short time right before school dismissed.
Teachers, you were rock stars getting students where they needed to be.
And thank you so much to our security officers and maintenance team for handling the situation so efficiently!
Tonight's Holland Hall football ticket information

General Admission cash tickets are $10 for adults and students (K-12th) and $2 for senior citizens.
Online general admission tickets will be available through our ticketing vendor, GoFan for $7 (+$1 service fee) when purchased online for adults and students.
Ticket link: https://gofan.co/event/1008182?schoolId=OK70884
The game will be stream at https://gotohh.org/stream
A note from your Parents’ Association president
Holland Hall Families,
The first full week of the ‘23-’24 school year is done and dusted. On behalf of the Holland Hall Parents’ Association, congratulations and welcome back to school!
The theme of this school year is Embracing Excellence. Part of Embracing Excellence is not just continuing to do what you have already done well, but having the courage to leave your comfort zone, ask hard questions, listen intently, experiment with new ways of doing things, mess up, and learn and grow from your mistakes.
This year the Parents’ Association is excited to Embrace Excellence by trying new and different ways to connect parents, support teachers and staff, and strengthen our community. We are experimenting with new meeting formats and times, varied activities, and different ways of communicating. To learn more about PA Activities and Meetings and Branch Councils please check the Parents’ Association and Volunteer Opportunities pages both under the Parents Tab on the Holland Hall website. https://www.hollandhall.org/parents
The Holland Hall Parents’ Association belongs to all of us.
* What do you want the PA to be this year?
* What volunteer opportunities are missing?
* What types of activities and learning opportunities would you like to attend?
* What kinds of information and communication would help you feel more informed and connected?
* How do you want to be involved?
Each of us has a role to play in Embracing Excellence at Holland Hall this year. Your perspective and your insight matter. The Parents’ Association is excited to change and grow to best serve you.
During the month of September, the PA will be holding parent listening sessions in the Tandy Fridays from 1:30pm-3pm. Please stop by. We would love to hear your aspirations and ideas. I am also happy to talk to you on the phone at a time that works best for your schedule. (You can find my cell phone number in the directory in PCR under my children's last name - Alderman) You are always welcome to share your thoughts and ideas with your Grade Coordinator or Branch Vice Presidents - Primary School -Jennifer Lindsay, Middle School - Leigh Johnson, and Upper School Sarah Jane Gillette.
The year is ahead of us! Looking forward to working with you to make it an excellent one.
Tobey Ballenger
Holland Hall Parents’ Association President ‘23-’24
PA campus tour with JP Culley is full!

Thank you to everyone who signed up for the PA Campus Tour with Head of School JP Culley for Saturday, September 2. What an amazing response! The tour was fully booked by Friday evening. For those of you who wanted to go on the tour but who were not able to sign up, the PA is working on scheduling another tour with Mr. Culley in the spring. We will keep you posted. Thank you!
Opportunity to help Dutch Exchange!

Has Dutch Exchange helped you out? Do you have an hour to help out Dutch Exchange? Dutch Exchange needs help sorting and hanging all the gently used uniforms and Dutch Wear that has come in since school started. Come give back any Wednesday morning from 9-11. We will be there and would love our help. Would you like to help but don't have time Wednesday morning? Please reach out to Ashley Parrish, aparrish@hollandhall.org, to organize another time to help that works with your schedule. Thanks!
HH families and students need to register cars for 2023-24 permit
Click here to register your car. You will be asked for the make/model/color and license plate number of your car.
Permits may be picked up at either at the Campus Safety office or can be picked up at the back to school events once you have registered.
A new exhibit in the Walter Arts Center
The Language of Clouds, new cloudscape paintings by David Holland & Marc Barker, will soon be installed in the Walter Arts Center. This exhibit runs from August 25 - October 12 and is open to the public during school hours (M-F, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.).
You are invited to an Artist Reception on Thursday, Aug 31, from 6-8 p.m. in the Holliman Gallery. For more information, call (539) 476-8128.

PS attendance policy explained
If you child is running late or will be out for the day, you can call and leave a voicemail at 539-476-8040 or email Kindi Walker at kwalker@hollandhall.org with your child's name, grade, and teacher's name. Thanks so much and if you need anything please don't hesitate to reach out.
PS Lunchroom volunteers needed
Volunteer in the Primary School lunchroom! Do you want to see your child at lunch? Do you want to participate in mealtime without cooking or washing dishes? Then come serve lunch in the PS lunchroom! We are in need of parent volunteers to serve meals to kids who buy school lunch. It is a once monthly commitment from 11:20 a.m. - 1 p.m. Visit the link to get more info and to sign up!
EXTENDED DAY — Before and Aftercare information
When a family requires aftercare, please email students’ teachers/teaching assistants and copy Debbie Almohandis, dalmohandis@hollandhall.org, with your detailed request. Once a regular schedule is established, no further emails are required unless your child will not attend that day. Email the teacher with any changes to the regular schedule — or if you need drop-in care — copy Debbie Almohandis, dalmohandis@hollandhall.org.
For more information, click here, or visit hollandhall.org/parents.
Mark your calendars for Primary School Night at the Football Game

One of the best events of the year happens on Friday, Sept. 8 — Primary School Night at the Football Game!
Festivities will begin at 5 p.m. with food trucks, followed by a special performance from our Primary School students, and even a halftime performance from our Primary School Summer Cheer Camp participants. We will have temporary tattoos, stickers, face paint, football, and fun!
Primary School After School Enrichment
Ms. Ariel's Art Studio
Let your young artists expand their creativity as we adventure into the spectacular Fall season! Abundant, crisp colors light up the landscapes! Autumnal holidays bring forth bountiful harvests and berries, vibrant woodlands, farm owls, and pumpkins too! Abstract art, which uses visual language of shape, form, color and lines to create a composition will enhance any imagination.
When: September 11 - October 16,
Class Day/Time: Monday 3:15-4:15 p.m.
Grades: K-3rd
Where: Primary School Art Room
Pick-up: Primary School flagpole at 4:15 p.m.
Cost: $120 (6 weeks); Max: 35 students
Register: dalmohandis@hollandhal.org
American Girl Back-To-School Spirit!
Join Mrs. Bucholtz & Mrs. Gollihare for our monthly American Girl Party!
It's time to "Get Back in the Game" creating D-U-T-C-H spirit crafts for you and your doll or favorite plushie! Come and join the FUN! GO DUTCH!
When: Tuesday, September 12 - After school until 4:30 p.m.
Who: Jr. Kindergarten - 5th Grade
Where: Kindergarten Pod (Middle School will be escorted to the Primary School)
Register: dalmohandis@hollandhal.org
Fee: $45
Pick up: Primary School flagpole - 4:30 p.m. Let us know if your child needs to go to After Care.

Uniform shirts and dress code information for 2023-24
The Dutch Zone in the Tandy will carry a few Middle School uniform shirts going forward. If you need a back-up or weren't able to order shirts in time for school to start, visit the Dutch Zone the week school starts. C&J Uniforms in the Fontana or landsend.com also have navy shirts. If you buy shirts from another retailer, please make sure they meet uniform guidelines and use a recommended embroidery source.
Find the uniform guidelines and a list of shops that do embroidery HERE. Please remember, you may not ask for logos to be put on any branded apparel — except Adidas for athletic purposes. The Holland Hall logo must be the only visible logo on shirts.
Back to School Night set for Sept. 7
Back to School Night is coming up very soon. We have adjusted the format this year after receiving your feedback on the survey sent last fall. We know that many of you value most being able to see your children’s classrooms, getting a feel for their schedules, and meeting their teachers — so Back to School Night will be an Open House format for you to do those things.
In order for you to learn a little bit about your child’s teachers, each teacher will have posted a slide to their Schoology page by September 1st in a Back to School Night Folder on their class Materials page. We hope you will take time with your child to view each page and read through each slide and class information before you attend Back to School Night.
This evening is not a time for individual meetings with teachers, it is more of a meet-and-greet while you tour the spaces and live the schedule your child has each day. If you need to communicate specifically with a teacher, an email or a scheduled meeting would be advised.
We hope that you will all join us on September 7th from 5:45-7:30 p.m. for this parents-only event. We will begin in The Tandy Dining Hall for a quick meeting at 5:45 p.m., you will then visit your child's Advisory room briefly, and the remainder of the time will be Open House concluding by 7:30 p.m.
6th Grade Family Picnic is coming up soon

Welcome back to school, 6th Grade! Please plan on coming to the School Picnic on Tuesday, August 29 from 5-6:30 p.m. Please signup to help bring an item to share.
5th Grade Family Kick-off set

We hope to see all the 5th grade families at the Donut event before drop-off on Wednesday, August 30 from 8-9 a.m.
8th Grade Family Picnic

Calling ALL 8th graders and their families to the 1st home varsity football game on Sept. 8 for a social before the game. Please bring your own picnic.
Middle School After School Enrichment
Girls Fall Youth Basketball Drills & Skills!
Are you ready to work on the fundamentals of basketball? Coach Savage wants to assist you in improving your dribbling, shooting and passing. Coach Ann Savage graduated from Holland Hall in 2015, where she scored over a 1000 points for the Dutch. Coach Savage continued playing college basketball at Austin College, where she earned all conference honors all four years. Coach Savage is a part of the Holland Hall basketball coaching staff and is excited to work with the future Dutch basketball stars.
Who: Grades 5-8
When: September 5 - 26 (4 weeks)
Girls - Tuesday - 3:30-4:30 p.m.
Where: Middle School Gym
Pick-up: East circle drive behind the Middle School
Register: dalmohandis@hollandhal.org
Class fee: $75 (invoice to be generated through Procare-9/6)
Maximum class size: 20
American Girl Back-To-School Spirit!
Join Mrs. Bucholtz & Mrs. Gollihare for our monthly American Girl Party!
It's time to "Get Back in the Game" creating D-U-T-C-H spirit crafts for you and your doll or favorite plushie! Come and join the FUN! GO DUTCH!
When: Tuesday, September 12 - After school until 4:30 p.m.
Who: Jr. Kindergarten - 5th Grade
Where: Kindergarten Pod (Middle School will be escorted to the Primary School)
Register: dalmohandis@hollandhal.org
Fee: $45
Pick up: Primary School flagpole - 4:30 p.m. Let us know if your child needs to go to After Care.

US Back to School Dance set
When: Saturday August 26, 7-9 p.m.
Where: MS Black Box Theater
Who: HH US students only
Theme: Teen Beach Movie
College Fair set for Aug. 28
Holland Hall Upper School students, if you don't have class on Monday morning at 9:10 a.m., please join College Counseling us in the Upper School Commons and Library for a college fair. There is also a college fair in Jenks on Sunday from 2-4 p.m. in the Jenks High School Dining Hall on the Jenks campus that all are encouraged to attend if you are able. It is free and open to the public, and parents are welcome to attend that event.
Information about student parking on campus
Beginning with the 2023-2024 school year all students and seniors will have assigned, numbered parking spaces that correspond with their issued parking decal for the vehicle they will be driving to campus. The decals will be issued on a first come, first served basis, so the earlier the vehicle is registered, the closer the parking space will be.
Click here to begin the registration process for your vehicle.
Attendance policy reminder
Per the Parent/Student Handbook, a parent must call or email Jenna Alford (539-476-8287; usattendance@hollandhall.org) BEFORE a student will be permitted to leave campus for any reason.
Exceptions: school-related activities or Jr./Sr. privileges.
For appointments, a note is required from the provider in order for the absence to be considered excused. This should be turned in during check-in/the next morning or via email to usattendance@hollandhall.org.
Please contact Mrs. Alford with attendance-related questions.
Digital PSAT Practice Exam for Classes of 2025 and 2026
All sophomores and juniors will take the Digital PSAT on Wednesday, October 18. Let's start getting you prepared.
We are working hard to support our families with additional resources. Our friends at Revolution Prep are offering our students the opportunity to take the new Digital PSAT practice exam. See below to register:
When: Saturday August 26, 2023
Time: 8-11 a.m.
Cost: FREE
Click here for more information.
Register here: https://www.revolutionprep.com/partners/21477/
9th Grade student council elections are Aug. 31
9th grade Student Council applications have been sent out to the 9th-graders via email. Students interested in running for office need to fill out the application and submit it to Mrs. Kelly (via email) by Tuesday August 29. The 9th grade election will be held on Thursday, August 31, from 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Upper School Parents Association business meeting set
Welcome back parents! This will be the kickoff meeting for the Upper School Parents Association Council. As the parent of an ipper schooler, you are part of the PA! We would love for you to join us as we go over our plans and goals for the year, as well as some introductions from a couple new staff members we will be working with. Wednesday, September 13, at 9 a.m. in the Tandy. See you there!
Senior yearbook ad information

Senior yearbook ads are on sale through Oct. 1. Click here to purchase an ad. You can expect an email receipt from Shirley Sokolosky, adviser, and further information from Mia Weinstein '24, senior editor.