Dutch Weekly August 17 - 23

A Safety Center update
The final touches of the new Self Family Welcome Center at the main gates are finished!
We are sure you have watched as it has come to completion and are curious how it will be used. We have some good ideas but thought it might be best to watch traffic patterns through the completed facilities as school begins to help firm up how things will be implemented.
So for now....
During "rush" times, arms will be up. Watch for direction from the Safety Team.
Outside of "rush" hours, watch for arms that are lowered and expect to stop and visit with a member of the Safety Team.
If you have not already registered your vehicle for the 2024-25 school year please click on the link below to fill out the online form.
Holland Hall Parking Permit for 2024-25 >>
Soon, we will have a "community" lane that will enable access to campus without having to stop by reading your PikePass or similar toll transponder. More on that to come!
Hall Brawl T-Shirt Order

Order your Holland Hall vs. Cascia Hall Hall Brawl t-shirt today. The deadline is August 22 at 12 p.m. Click on the link to below to order.
Shirts will be available for pickup in the Dutch Zone on August 29. The Dutch Zone is located in the A.R. and Marylouise Tandy Dining and Wellness Center.
Uniforms/Spiritwear reminders

C&J Uniforms
Uniforms may be purchased locally at C&J Uniforms, 7923 E. 51st St., or online at My APlus Uniforms, tulsa.myaplusuniforms.com. Uniforms are included in Oklahoma's tax-free weekend, Aug. 2-4.
Dutch Exchange
The Dutch Exchange in the A.R. and Marylouise Tandy Dining and Wellness Center is open to families between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Shop from gently used uniforms, spirt shirts, hoodies and more. And feel free to drop off any gently used outgrown uniforms and spiritwear for other families to utilize.
Dutch Zone

Hoodies and sweatshirts purchased in the Dutch Zone may be worn with school uniforms. T-shirts can be worn every Friday (unless otherwise noted by a branch head) with non-athletic bottoms. Shirts must be purchased or obtained from the DutchZone, Athletics or another school department.
All parents are also invited to shop the special Dutch Zone Pop-Up Shop in the Primary School Gym from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday, Aug. 19. There will be some Bash exclusives (we see you, tie-dye!), so come shop, but please avoid the peak shopping times near the top of each hour.
Families who would like to purchase Primary or Middle School shirts from another source should buy white (Primary School) or navy (Middle School) uniform polo shirts in pique or Dri-Fit material with NO LOGOs, such as those from Old Navy, Target or Academy. Please don't ask shops to put the school logo on any logoed apparel (Nike, Lululemon, etc.) Permission to use the logo for any purpose should be obtained from the Communication Office, news@hollandhall.org.
This approved list of shops can add the required logo to uniform shirts, crewnecks, hoodies or zip-up jackets in a solid, approved uniform color (white, black, Columbia blue, red, gray or natural.)
918 Design Company, 8240 E. 111th St. S., Bixby, 5727 S. Garnett, Ste E.
Bespoken Embroidery & Custom, (918) 730-9090, contactus@bespokenmerch.com
C. Fazel Designs, 8114 S. Harvard Avenue, (918) 212-4983, camille@cfazel.com
Miss Ann’s, 1429 E. 41st St. #4033
AME it Tulsa Embroidery & more, 3128 S. Winston Ave.
Tatermash Embroidery, 3101 S. Jamestown
Primary School Back-to-School Bash is Aug. 19

Save the Date for Monday, Aug. 19, for the Primary School Back-to-School Bash! Come ready to catch up with old friends, meet some new friends, and have a jumpin' good time with inflatable bounce houses in the Primary School Gym. Parents can shop the Pop-Up Dutch Zone and pick up car decals while students play. We kindly ask that students attend only during their own grade's assigned time and without siblings to give parents and students in each grade dedicated time to engage.
Please enjoy the Bash in the Primary School Gym and Breezeway only. The remainder of the Primary School is closed as teachers prepare for the start of school.
The Pop-Up Dutch Zone will be restocked throughout the day, so we hope to have plenty of selection for the later time slots.
EPK: 9:00 - 9:45 a.m.
PreK and JK: 10:00 - 10:45 a.m.
K: 11:00 - 11:45 a.m.
1st: 12:00 - 12:45 p.m.
2nd: 1:00 - 1:45 p.m.
3rd: 2:00 - 2:45 p.m.
If you have any questions, please contact Mandy Allford at Mandyallford1@gmail.com.
The Back to School Bash needs parent volunteers!
Have a great time connecting with other Holland Hall families and lending a hand at the Primary School Back to School Bash on Monday, August 19. Parent volunteers are needed at the check-in table and to hand out treats at intervals from 8:45 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Click here to sign up for a slot.
Primary School first-week planning
August 21 - Open House
9-10:30 a.m. Come-and-Go Format; parents stay with their children during the visit
No uniforms required
Students and families will see the classroom, meet the teacher, and arrange for an intake conference
August 22 - First Day of School
EPK, PreK, JK dismiss at 11:45 a.m.
Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, & 3rd dismiss at noon
Uniforms required
Before-school care is available
No after-school care today
August 23
EPK, PreK, JK dismiss at 11:45 a.m.
Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, & 3rd dismiss at noon
DUTCH DAY! Wear your Holland Hall spirit shirts with jeans or shorts.
Before-school care is available
No after-school care today
August 30 - Convocation
1st, 2nd, & 3rd attend
September 26 - Back to School Night
6-7 p.m. Open House
Middle School Back-to-School Donut Dash set
Mark your calendar for your grade level Back-to-School Donut Dash! This is a great time to reconnect with fellow grade level parents and introduce yourself to our new families! Feel free to bring siblings to this casual meet and greet that is hosted by the Parents' Association. Here are the dates and locations for your grade:
8th Grade: August 28 at 8 a.m. in the Tandy Dining Hall
7th Grade: September 18 at 8 a.m. on the Middle School Playground
6th Grade: September 11 at 8 a.m. in the Tandy Dining Hall
5th Grade: September 4 at 8 a.m. in the Tandy Dining Hall
4th Grade: September 4 at 8 a.m. on the Middle School Playground
Middle School back-to-school reminders
August 21 - First Day of School
Regular Dress Code
Start time: 9 a.m.
Dismissal Times: 12 p.m. for 4th-6th grades, 12:15 p.m. for 7th-8th grades
Students will receive schedules, move into lockers, get to know one another, and celebrate the start of the school year.
August 30 - Convocation
September 9 - MS Picture Day
September 12 - Middle School Back to School Night, 6-7:30 p.m.
New student/parent orientation is Tuesday
Tuesday, August 20, from 9-10 a.m., we welcome you to meet your teachers and walk through the middle school building. Your advisor will have your schedule and your locker information. We hope that by offering this opportunity to become more familiar with some faces and rooms, the first day of school will be less daunting! Following the Open House time, at 10 a.m., all new families are invited to a very quick information session in the Middle School Library followed by iPad distribution for all new 6th-8th grade students.
Pick up iPads this week
All 6th grade families and all new 7th and 8th grade families are asked to read this Orientation and Guidelines document and are required to complete this Technology Agreement form, which outlines loss, damage, and theft policies along with associated costs of the items that are assigned to students. We ask that this form be completed before the first day of school.
- All new 6th-8th grade students will receive iPads on Tuesday, August 15, at 10 a.m. in the Middle School Library
- All returning 6th grade students will receive iPads during Advisory time on the first day of school ONLY IF the Technology Agreement form has been completed by parents prior to the first day.
- 4th and 5th grade student iPads are to remain at school.
- 6th-8th grade student iPads are considered take-home devices.

Senior photos must be taken by Oct. 1
Bold Studio is busy taking senior pictures. Free yearbook sessions end Sept. 1, and all photo sessions should be completed no later than Oct. 1.
To set up a senior session, call (539) 444-7606 or email info@boldstudiotulsa.com.
9th Grade and New Student Orientation
Tuesday, August 20 - 9 a.m.-Noon - Upper School Commons
- This required orientation will prepare students for a successful start to their time at Holland Hall. Students will receive their schedules, locker numbers, attend a tech workshop, and more! If students just received their computer they will need to unbox it and go through the basic set up before this event.
- Parents are welcome to walk around the Upper School, find their child’s locker, and find classrooms, etc., from 9:00-9:30 a.m.. Students will then move to the Lecture Center for their orientation at 9:30.
9th Grade and New Family Parent Meeting
Wednesday, August 28 - 6:30-7:30 p.m. - Upper School Lecture Center
- After your children have been in school one week, we would like to meet to talk about the transition, answer questions, and provide important information about Freshman Orientation.
Parents’ Association Social Time for new families
Wednesday, August 28 - 6-6:30 p.m. - Upper School Commons
- We know that the first days of school can be both exciting and a little anxiety filled at the same time. This is true for parents as well as students! To help you feel connected to other parents, the Parents' Association is hosting an opportunity to build community through conversations. Please join us for light snacks and conversations on Wednesday, August 28, from 6-6:30 p.m. in the Upper School Commons. This casual event will occur before the New Parents Meeting with Mr. Parks.
Upper School first-week details
August 19
Senior Retreat 5:30-8:30 p.m. Location TBD.
Senior Parent Meeting 6 p.m. Upper School Commons.
August 20
9:00 a.m.-noon 9th Grade and New Upper School Student Orientation (see above)
August 21 - First Day of School
Regular Dress Code
Start Time: 8:45 a.m.
Dismissal Time: 11:30 a.m.
Fully charged laptop
Feel free to bring anything you would like to go ahead and put in your locker.
We will have an extended morning meeting, advisory meetings, and class meetings. Students will receive schedules, move into lockers, get to know one another, and celebrate the start of the school year.
August 22: US Picture Day, Rotations, and Abbreviated Schedule
Regular Dress Code
The Upper School will take school pictures in the Library. All students will need to have their photo taken during the day.
Normal School hours (8 a.m.-3:10 p.m.)
We will begin at 8 a.m.
Students will rotate through various sessions on important aspects of the Holland Hall experience.
We will move through an abbreviated schedule where students and teachers will get to know each other and students will learn of any additional supplies they may need for their classes.
Due to the shortened Mods, students can either bring their lunches or get food in the Tandy. The Mods are 30 minutes so students should plan their time accordingly.
August 23: Abbreviated Schedule
Dutch Day — wear a Dutch shirt with nonathletic bottoms
We will begin the day at 8:00am with Morning Meeting.
Students will move through an abbreviated schedule.
Flik will be open if students feel the need to purchase any food. Students are encouraged to bring snacks if they desire.
Our day will conclude at 3:10 p.m.
Aug. 19: Back to School Bash for Primary School (see times above)
Aug. 19: Senior retreat (details to come)
Aug. 20: Upper School New Student Orientation (see times above)
Aug. 20: Open House for New to Middle School Families, New Family Orientation and iPad distribution for 6th-8th families (details to come)
Aug. 21: First day of class for MS/US; Early Dismissal
Aug. 21: Primary School Open House (details to come)
Aug. 22: Early Dismissal for EPK-3rd
Aug. 23: Early Dismissal for EPK-3rd
Aug. 28: 9th Grade Parent Meeting (details to come)
Holland Hall welcomes an amazing group of new teachers
Please help us welcome this year's new faculty and staff! If you see them on campus, please make them feel welcome.