Dutch Weekly August 24 - 30


We're so glad to have you back on campus!
A couple of reminders:
- Download the Holland Hall app from the Google Play or Apple App store. You'll find calendars, a link to any school livestreams, helpful phone numbers and even an anonymous tip line if you or your student need to call attention to anything quickly.
- Make sure you're checking your students' Schoology pages often. Find the link to Schoology, which is where you will get information and notes from your students' teachers in the Parent Portal, gotohh.org/parentportal.
- The Holland Hall webpage, hollandhall.org, has a section devoted to parents. Just click Parents at the top of the screen for a list of useful information.
The zipper merge could make drop-off less painful

Back by popular demand!
We are aware that 81st Street eastbound between Yale Avenue and the entrances to Holland Hall can get very busy at the start and end of the school day, and the transition from two lanes to one can be challenging.
This new school year, we would like to suggest that our students and families use zipper merge when traffic is heavy. In a zipper merge situation, cars take up the available space in both lanes until shortly before the road narrows. Then, cars take turns moving forward — one from the left, one from the right. That should help more cars fit along 81st Street and should make for a more peaceful entry to campus.
Here is a 90-second video about zipper merge and why it can be helpful.
Gallery, reception feature Becca and Julia Hart

The Holliman Gallery in the Walter Arts Center will feature the art of two Holland Hall alumnae.
Becca Hart '10 and Julia Hart '14 are the daughters of Holland Hall Director of Alumni and Family Engagement Richard Hart and his wife, Alvina. The exhibit will run from August 26 through October 11.
Join us this MONDAY, AUGUST 26 from 5-7 p.m. for an Artist Reception to visit with Becca and Julia and experience their work in the Holliman Gallery in the Walter Arts Center.
Traffic and Safety Center updates

During rush drop-off and pick-up times, the traffic arms will be up. Watch for direction from the Safety Team.
Outside of "rush" hours, watch for arms that are lowered and expect to stop and visit with a member of the Safety Team. Please do not tailgate the car in front of you through the gate — it will lower.
If you have not already registered your vehicle for the 2024-25 school year please click on the link below to fill out the online form.
Holland Hall Parking Permit for 2024-25 >>
Soon, our "community" lane will enable access to campus without having to stop by reading your PikePass or similar toll transponder. More on that to come!
Traffic note: Please see the Primary School section below. All Primary School families should enter using the MIDDLE 81st Street gate.
Convocation is Friday, Aug. 30

Holland Hall will celebrate the opening of school with the annual tradition of Convocation on Friday, August 30. That Friday will be a UNIFORM day for all students, not a Dutch Day.
Students in 1st through 12th grades will walk in pairs to the Walter Arts Center, where they will hear from Head of School JP Culley, enjoy special student performances and watch a special video highlighting the first week of school.
Parents may watch the procession from outside of the gate at the football stadium or in the grassy areas along the Alumni Walk. Parents will not be allowed to watch the event in the Walter Arts Center, but it will be livestreamed and recorded at gotohh.org/stream or on the Holland Hall app.
Uniforms/Spiritwear reminders

Dutch Exchange
The Dutch Exchange in the A.R. and Marylouise Tandy Dining and Wellness Center is open to families between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Shop from gently used uniforms, spirt shirts, hoodies and more. And feel free to drop off any gently used outgrown uniforms and spiritwear for other families to utilize.
Dutch Zone

Hoodies and sweatshirts purchased in the Dutch Zone may be worn with school uniforms daily. T-shirts can be worn every Friday (unless otherwise noted by a branch head) with non-athletic bottoms. T-shirts must be purchased or obtained from the DutchZone, Athletics or another school department.
Families who would like to purchase Primary or Middle School shirts from another source should buy white (Primary School) or navy (Middle School) uniform polo shirts in pique or Dri-Fit material with NO LOGOs, such as those from Old Navy, Target or Academy. Please don't ask shops to put the school logo on any logoed apparel or accessories (Nike, Lululemon, etc.) Permission to use the logo for any purpose should be obtained from the Communication Office, news@hollandhall.org.
This approved list of shops can add the required logo to uniform shirts, crewnecks, hoodies or zip-up jackets in a solid, approved uniform color (white, black, Columbia blue, red, gray or natural.)
918 Design Company, 8240 E. 111th St. S., Bixby, 5727 S. Garnett, Ste E.
Bespoken Embroidery & Custom, (918) 730-9090, contactus@bespokenmerch.com
C. Fazel Designs, 8114 S. Harvard Avenue, (918) 212-4983, camille@cfazel.com
Miss Ann’s, 1429 E. 41st St. #4033
AME it Tulsa Embroidery & more, 3128 S. Winston Ave.
Tatermash Embroidery, 3101 S. Jamestown
Hall Brawl will be televised next week

The annual match-up between Holland Hall and Cascia Hall has been picked as the Ford Game of the Week by Cox.
Here are the different ways that people can watch the live games or the replays.
- Cox Contour TV customers can watch the broadcast on their local YurView channel
- Everyone else can watch the FREE live stream or replays at watch.yurview.com
- The FREE live stream is also available on the YurView app for Roku, Google TV, or Fire TV, if you want to watch the stream on your television.

Traffic flow at arrival
Thank you for your patience with morning arrival. For everyone's safety, PLEASE do not leave your children unattended on the porch in the mornings. If you have the need for early arrival, please take your child to the Extended Day (EDP) area in the circle at the east side of the Primary School.
If your child needs help unbuckling or is struggling with exiting your vehicle, please pull to the "bus parking" area so we can keep the main line moving. Please do not get out of your vehicle in the main line.
Traffic flow at dismissal
We've made it through two tricky days of dismissal. Again, things will get better next week. Please help us by referring to your map and being in the correct line. Kindergarten dismisses from the EPK/JK circle drive. First grade dismisses in the main circle drive in the lane closest to the curb; Second grade should line up in the outside lane. Someone will be out to direct traffic and help you cross over the lanes. Thank you for your continued patiences.
Primary School dates to plan for
August 30 - Convocation
1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades attend
September 26 - Back to School Night
Join us for an Open House from 6-7 p.m.

Middle School Back-to-School Donut Dash set
Mark your calendar for your grade level Back-to-School Donut Dash! This is a great time to reconnect with fellow grade level parents and introduce yourself to our new families! Feel free to bring siblings to this casual meet-and-greet that is hosted by the Parents' Association. Here are the dates and locations for your grade:
8th Grade: August 28 at 8 a.m. in the Tandy Dining Hall
7th Grade: September 18 at 8 a.m. on the Middle School Playground
6th Grade: September 11 at 8 a.m. in the Tandy Dining Hall
5th Grade: September 4 at 8 a.m. in the Tandy Dining Hall
4th Grade: September 4 at 8 a.m. on the Middle School Playground
Middle School back-to-school reminders
August 30 - Convocation (please wear uniforms)
September 9 - MS Picture Day
September 12 - Middle School Back to School Night, 6-7:30 p.m.

College Fair - August 26
Holland Hall College Counseling will welcome 56 college admission representatives to campus on Monday, Aug. (mods A03-A04) for a college fair. Students must obtain permission to be excused from classes to attend the fair.
Students who drive to campus: Please park in the back lot (not in front of the Upper School) so college admission representatives may find convenient parking.
Students can register for the fair at www.strivescan.com.
Attending Institutions
Baker University
Bethel College
Butler University
Drake University
Drury University
East Central University
Emporia State University
Hillsdale College
John Brown University
Kansas State University
Langston University
Mid-America Christian University
Missouri Southern State University
Missouri State University
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Newman University
Northeastern Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College
Northeastern State University
Northwestern Oklahoma State University
Oklahoma Army National Guard
Oklahoma Baptist University
Oklahoma Christian University
Oklahoma City University
Oklahoma State University
Oklahoma State University
Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology
Oral Roberts University
Rogers State University
Rose State College
Saint Louis University
Southern Nazarene University
Southwestern Christian University
Southwestern College
Southwestern Oklahoma State University
Southwestern Oklahoma State University
Spartan College of Aeronautics and Technology
Texas Tech University
Trinity University
Tulsa Community College
United States Marine Corps Recruiting
United States Naval Academy
University of Arkansas
University of Arkansas at Fort Smith
University of Central Oklahoma
University of Denver
University of Kansas
University of Mississippi
University of Missouri-Columbia
University of Missouri-Kansas City
University of North Texas
University of Oklahoma
University of Oklahoma
University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma
University of Tulsa
Westminster College
Wichita State University
Seniors — book your yearbook picture session

Bold Studio is busy taking senior pictures. Free yearbook sessions end Sept. 1, and all photo sessions should be completed no later than Oct. 1.
Please contact Bold Studios today, call (539) 444-7606 or email info@boldstudiotulsa.com.
9th Grade and New Family Parent Meeting
Wednesday, Aug. 28 - 6:30-7:30 p.m. - Upper School Lecture Center
- After your children have been in school one week, we would like to meet to talk about the transition, answer questions, and provide important information about Freshman Orientation.
Parents’ Association Social Time for new families
Wednesday, August 28 - 6-6:30 p.m. - Upper School Commons
- We know that the first days of school can be both exciting and a little anxiety filled at the same time. This is true for parents as well as students! To help you feel connected to other parents, the Parents' Association is hosting an opportunity to build community through conversations. Please join us for light snacks and conversations on Wednesday, August 28, from 6-6:30 p.m. in the Upper School Commons. This casual event will occur before the New Parents Meeting with Mr. Parks.