Dutch Weekly Oct. 28 - Nov. 3

'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' — SOLD OUT

When: October 26-28 at 7 p.m.
Where: Newman (Black Box) Studio Theatre
Tickets are SOLD OUT for all performances. No tickets will be available at the door.
Football game vs. Bristow livestreamed
If you'd like to watch the Dutch football team take on Bristow tonight at 7 p.m., you can watch a livestream on YouTube at gotohh.org/stream. The game should also be available in the Holland Hall app by pushing the "Live" icon at the bottom of the screen, or on the Holland Hall Roku channel.
Parent Conferences set
November 2 - All School Evening Conferences
November 3 - All School Conferences - No Classes
Yearbooks on sale now

Student staff are working hard to learn journalistic skills as they produce the 2024 book, 292 pages of once-in-a-lifetime content. Buy yours today and check one thing off your list.
New to Holland Hall? Here are the details: We have one book that covers all students, from preschool through seniors. Books are delivered in the spring, before school dismisses for the summer. They are available for $75 through March 1, when the price goes up to $100. Books may be personalized if you purchase by Jan. 26, 2024. Names are $10 each and icons are $5 each.
Click here to purchase a yearbook.
Fall MS/US Choir Concert set

When: November 9, 2023 at 7 p.m.
Where: Branch Theatre of the Walter Arts Center
Parents with any questions about onstage concert attire can contact Mrs. Fogarty or refer to the choir handbook on Schoology.
Tulsa Ballet — 'Don Quixote'

Boutique and Bazaar set at Trinity Episcopal Church

Trinity Episcopal Church is having a Boutique and Bazaar event on November 4 (all day). There will be a Patron Party on November 3 with silent auction. If you would like to donate children's clothing, contact Kevin Kelly at mrkelly2u@gmail.com, they are still in need of donations.
The Trinity Fair will be Nov 3 & 4
Patron Party and Sale
When: Friday Nov 3, 6-9 p.m.
Cost: $20 per person give patrons first dibs on donated treasures, a 50/50 Raffle, and a Silent Auction of gift baskets.
Saturday Sale
When: Saturday, Nov 4, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
A full day of sales, open to the public, with food and drinks and a pet adoption on the promenade with a local animal rescue.
Do you have quality donations?
Want to donate cash for Trinity Bucks, which are cash donations that have been converted to vouchers for those less fortunate to shop?
Looking for service hours to serve as a volunteer?
Contact Kevin Kelly at mrkelly2u@gmail.com.
From the Nurse: Strep Throat on the rise
Strep throat is an infection caused by bacteria called Group A Streptococcus (sometimes just called “Strep”). In general, strep throat is a mild disease, but it can be very painful.
Common symptoms may include:
* Fever
* Pain when swallowing
* Sore throat that can start very quickly and may look red
* Red and swollen tonsils
* White patches or streaks of pus on the tonsils
* Tiny, red spots on the roof of the mouth, called petechiae
* Swollen lymph nodes in the front of the neck
Less common symptoms (children may have less common symptoms)
* Headache
* Stomach pain
* Nausea or vomiting
* Rash (scarlet fever)
The following symptoms suggest a virus is the cause of the illness instead of strep throat:
* Cough
* Runny nose
* Hoarseness (changes in your voice that make it sound breathy, raspy, or strained)
*Pink eye (conjunctivitis)
When to return to work or school:
* When fever free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication AND
* After taking antibiotics (if given) for at least 24 hours.
To help prevent strep throat:
* Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
* Put your used tissue in the waste basket.
* Cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve or elbow, not your hands, if you don’t have a tissue.
* Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
* Use an alcohol-based hand rub if soap and water are not available.
Click here for more information on strep throat from CDC.

Freshman Orientation Session 1 postponed
The Upper School is going to postpone the Freshman Orientation trip scheduled for Oct. 29-31. Lows are expected to be in the 20s with rain and gusty winds, so we are concerned for students’ health and safety.
If your student was scheduled for Session 1, their trip has now been rescheduled for Nov. 12th-14th. The original Session 2 trip — scheduled for Nov. 5th-7th — will continue as planned. We know this potentially impacts schedules and plans, so please reach out to Grace Weber (gweber@hollandhall.org) before November 1st, if your student needs to shift sessions. Cross your fingers for better weather in November!
Senior yearbook responsibilities, update
Senior Yearbook Responsibilities
All seniors have received a survey from senior editor Mia Weinstein. This survey is due no later than Nov. 13. Please encourage your senior to complete their submission, which will be used to complete their half of the senior section. Also, don't forget to buy your senior's yearbook on sale now.
Click here to purchase a yearbook.
Senior Yearbook Ad Update
Parents, you have placed a record number of 82 senior ads. Please mark your calendars with these deadlines. If yearbook staff is making your ad, all text and photos are due to journalism21@hollandhall.org no later than Dec. 1. If you or a graphic designer is making your ad, all final ads (approved and ready for the page) are due no later than Jan. 12.
The Food Drive begins Monday
HERE is a list of suggested items you can bring. The drive will last until Friday, November 10.
Free Dress in Halloween colors on Tuesday
Next Tuesday is Halloween. Students and faculty may dress in casual dress if they dress in Halloween colors (black, orange, green, and purple).

Middle School PA — Meet the librarians, literacy, and learning specialists
When: Monday, October 30, 12-1 p.m.
Where: Middle School Library
Middle School Parents' Association Meetings are a chance to connect with other parents and meet staff who hold vitally important roles at the school.
At this meeting — Meet the Middle School librarians and learning specialists, an essential part of our school. Learn how they use their knowledge and passion to instill a lifelong love of reading, critical thinking, research skills, and reading for understanding in our children. Find out how they can help you support your student and how parents can use Middle School Library resources.
Pennies for Pink - UPDATE
Where: Collection boxes in the library
When: Now through November 1
Why: Support for the Susan G. Komen Foundation for breast cancer care and research
How: Send $ (coins, bills, checks: to Holland Hall)
All donations through Nov. 1 will earn your student a PINK free dress Wednesday, Nov. 1.
ERB Testing Information - 6th/7th/8th grade
Testing Schedule
November 7 — Students will complete a tutorial during their advisory time so they are familiar with the testing format.
November 13 — Students will take Writing Mechanics and Writing Concepts.
November 14 — Students will take Mathematics 1 and 2, and Verbal Reasoning.
November 15 — Students will take Reading Comprehension, Quantitative Reasoning and Vocabulary.
At Holland Hall, standardized testing allows us a unique look at our curricular strengths and weaknesses. It provides a group profile that can be compared to other independent schools and suburban schools who use this instrument. It also lets us see how we compare on a larger scale with national norms. Additionally, this yearly assessment gives us a snapshot of individual student performance.
Just as important is what standardized testing is not. We do not use it as a means of promoting students or as a predictor of future academic success or failure at Holland Hall. It is important to note that we do not "teach to the test" with our content. Students will practice the test to become familiar with the format and the instructions, but our curriculum drives our content, not any standardized test.
Assessment on a yearly basis with a standardized testing instrument such as ERB CTP5 is common practice among Independent schools like Holland Hall.
* Make sure your student gets adequate sleep.
* Make sure your student eats breakfast in the morning.
* Make sure your student has a fully charged iPad each day.
* Please have students at school on time each day.
* Do not schedule appointments for your student before noon on test days.
* Fully charged iPad for all three days
* A book to read
* Water bottle
* Cellphone
* Apple/Garmin watches
* Any device that makes noise
* Food or drinks other than water
Click here for more information about ERB and the CTP5 assessment.
Middle School after-school enrichment starts
Youth Softball Hitting and Fielding Program!
Hitting, fielding, and running, oh my! Come join Middle School Softball Coach Hayley Busby as we prepare for future Holland Hall softball teams! Coach Busby played collegiate softball at Oklahoma State University and professionally at Athletes Unlimited in Chicago. It is never too early to begin training together and getting comfortable playing with your future teammates! This softball program will be held in the indoor batting facility and softball field, weather permitting. Training will include instruction on hitting, fielding, throwing, and base running. We will work to improve not only our physical game, but our mental game as well! Come learn the game and grow together as a middle school! If you’ve never played softball before, not a problem, grab a glove and learn to love the game!
Who: Grades 4-6
When: October 30 - November 27 (5 weeks)
Day: Mondays - 3:30-4:30 p.m.
Where: Meet up - MS BT @ 3:15 & walk over to CFPC
Pick-up: Clark Family Baseball Performance Center
Class fee: $95 (invoice to be generated through Procare)
Maximum class size: 20
Register: dalmohandis@hollandhall.org
American Girl Friendsgiving FUN!
Please join Mrs. Bucholtz and Mrs. Gollihare for... American Girl Friendsgiving Fun! Playing a must...Crafting a plus!
Who: Grades JK - 5th
When: Wednesday, November 8 - 3:00-4:30 p.m.
Where: Primary School Kindergarten Pod
Pick-up: Primary School flagpole at 4:30 p.m.
Class fee: $45
Maximum class size: 35 (please let us know if your child needs to go to aftercare)
Register: dalmohandis@hollandhall.org

Reminders about dress code, colder weather
Please remember to send a jacket or coat with your child now that the weather is getting cooler. We spend a lot of time on the playground in the morning and after school.
Also, now that we have been in school for several weeks, we have noticed a few trends related to our dress code requirements. In order to have a focused learning environment, we need your support in sending your students to school in a manner that adheres to our dress code policies. Please note that no light up shoes are allowed. As the weather turns cooler, we also request only solid, dark colored leggings and tights. Please no prints or designs. Finally, we are having several issues with smartwatches disrupting the learning environment and interfering with class activities. Please leave these devices at home. Only simple watches are allowed. We appreciate your cooperation with this. For more information about the dress code click on the link below.
Primary School after-school enrichment starts
Ms. Ariel's Art Studio
Let your young artists expand their creativity as we adventure into an autumn-inspired harvest of still life pastels and winter holidays! Pine trees and ornaments, twinkling lights, new fallen snow, and a horse-drawn sleigh will bring artistic talents to the table. Come join Ms. Ariel for a whimsical art enrichment adventure.
When: Mondays 3:15-4:15 p.m. - October 30 - December 4
Grades: K-3rd
Where: PS - Multi-purpose
Pick-up: Primary School flagpole at 4:15 p.m.
Cost: $125 (6 weeks)
Class maximum: 15
Register: dalmohandis@hollandhall.org
Time to Perform!
Let your young actor take the stage in this 6-week long acting class that will end in a final showcase performance! Student actors will explore movement, voice, characterization and storytelling as they rehearse, design and perform their own play production at the end of the 6 week class! Taught by Upper School Theatre Arts director Leslie Long, along with upper school student assistants. This class will help your student gain confidence on and offstage all while having fun expressing themselves creatively! It’s SHOWTIME!
When: Tuesdays 3:15 - 4:15 p.m. - Oct. 31 - Dec. 5
(Performance: Details to follow)
Grades: 1st - 3rd
Where: PS Multi-Purpose Room
Pick up: Primary School flagpole at 4:15pm
Fee: $125
Class Max: 15
Register: dalmohandis@hollandhall.org
American Girl Friendsgiving FUN!
Please join Mrs. Bucholtz and Mrs. Gollihare for... American Girl Friendsgiving Fun! Playing a must...Crafting a plus!
Note: updated class time change
Who: Grades JK - 5th
When: Wednesday, November 8 - 3:00-4:30 p.m.
Where: Primary School Kindergarten Pod
Pick-up: Primary School flagpole at 4:30 p.m.
Class fee: $45
Maximum class size: 35 (please let us know if your child needs to go to aftercare)
Register: dalmohandis@hollandhall.org