Dutch Weekly September 3 - 9

Home football ticket information
A quick guide to ticketing for home varsity football games:
* Dutch athletic passes - Dutchbacker members gain access to the game with Dutchbacker athletic passes. If you want to become a Dutchbacker, here is the link: Dutchbacker membership.
* Holland Hall students and faculty - No admission fee for regular season home contests!
* All other attendees must either purchase a digital ticket through gofan.co for $5 or pay $8 cash at the admission table.
* Live stream - gotohh.org/stream
* Link to purchase tickets for tonight's football game: hollandhall.org/dutchtickets.
Mark your calendar: Parents Association Meetings set
Primary School Meetings:
October 12 - 9:30 a.m. in person PS Library
November 9 - 9:30 a.m. Virtual format
February 8 - 9:30 a.m. Virtual format
April 12 - 9:30 a.m. in person PS Library
Middle School Meetings:
October 4 - 8:30 a.m. in person Tandy
November 8 - 8:30 a.m. Virtual format
February 7 - 8:30 a.m. in person Tandy
April 4 - 8:30 a.m. Virtual format
Upper School Meetings:
September 8 - Noon in person Tandy
November 17 - Noon Virtual format
February 16 - Noon Virtual format
April TBD - Noon in person Tandy
Leadership development opportunity for 6th-12th grade students

Tulsa Changemakers is inviting students in 6th- 12th grade to apply for their Power Of Youth Fall 2022 Program. During 8 sessions students will learn and practice critical skills in community advocacy and discover how to use these skills to make positive changes in their clubs, organizations, and schools. Sessions take place Monday and Thursday evenings from 5:30-7 p.m. from September 26-December 5 and include dinner.
This program is free and open to all students in 6th-12th grades in the Tulsa area. Applications are due by September 16 and can be found at https://forms.gle/c1DGZarRXRSqGwgS6 or using the QR code on the information flyer by clicking here.
20th Annual Buddy Walk returns to Holland Hall

Holland Hall will host the Buddy Walk in partnership with the Down Syndrome Association of Tulsa on Sunday, Sept. 25, with Holland Hall faculty member Leslie Long serving as chair for the second year. This event is free and open to families and friends who want to support, raise funds and bring awareness to those with Down syndrome.
* DSAT Buddy Walk Page: You can make a donation to this amazing organization, order a shirt or even register to walk in honor of a friend or family member you know who has Down syndrome.
* Volunteer sign up form: More information regarding volunteer spots will be distributed closer to the event.
Get involved — Volunteer opportunities available!
The DutchZone needs volunteers. Please sign up here to volunteer for a shift. The hope is to be open more this year, but we need your help!
Get a head start on volunteering for the 2022-23 school year by becoming visitor aware-compliant! Fill out the application here — https://app.visitor-aware.com/apply/loSWUxykms
School picture days set
JostensPix makes the process easy for you by communicating through the emails you provided to the school. Only you will have access to your child's photos. There are no envelopes to return and your orders will be shipped directly to you. Please communicate with Jostens always using the same emails and follow the directions in the emails they send.
Middle School
Thursday, September 8
Primary School
Monday, September 12
Retake day will be October 3.
Click here for more information.
If you have questions, please contact Shirley Sokolosky, ssokolosky@hollandhall.org.
Field Hockey Camp set for grades 4-12

Do you want to learn the game of field hockey in a fun and exciting environment? Join field hockey coaches from Holland Hall, Casady School (OKC), and Lone Star Field Hockey Club for our own Oklahoma club team experience.
The fall session runs for eight Sundays in September and October, alternating between Tulsa and OKC. This is not a travel club — it's a learn the game, compete, and have fun club!
Open to beginners through experienced players in grades 4-12!
Contact Head Field Hockey Coach Christy Utter, cutter@hollandhall.org, for more information about this exciting opportunity!
Click here for more information.
You are invited to chapel
The entire school community is always welcome in the chapel, but especially for the celebration of Holy Eucharist in the chapel on Thursday mornings.
We meet from 7:25-7:50 a.m. for a miniaturized version of what you'd see in an Episcopal church on Sundays. Everyone is welcome, regardless of your religious commitments; though the Episcopal Church offers the Sacrament only to those who have received Christian baptism (any denomination). We hope parents, grandparents, students, friends of the school, and faculty will feel able to take advantage of this quiet, centering moment, full of encouragement and hope from God.

Navigating Primary School car lines
Please continue to use the car line for drop-off in the mornings. If you need to walk with your child, please go only as far as the front door. Please remember parking is extremely limited, and it is often more efficient to use the curbside drop-off service.
Kindergarten morning drop-off is in the front of the school and afternoon pick-up at the EDP circle on the east side of the Primary School.
For students in Kindergarten, First, Second, and Third grade, the school day begins at 8 a.m. Curbside drop-off service begins at 7:50 a.m. Please do not leave your child unattended on the front porch before this time. For students in EPK, PreK, and JK, the school day begins at 9 a.m. Curbside drop-off service begins at 8:55 a.m.
On late start Wednesdays, curbside car service begins at 8:45 a.m. All cars, including PreK cars, should use the inside line to avoid “cutting off” other drivers. All drivers should remain in the curb lane until you reach the drop-off area. There is no morning merging.
During dismissal, First grade families should be in the inside lane closest to the school building, while Second grade families should be in the outside lane. We will direct traffic to allow for the crossover of lanes.
We all appreciate your attention to these guidelines. They ensure a safe and efficient experience for everyone.
Primary School lunchroom volunteers needed!
We need your help in staffing the Primary School lunchroom! Any HH parent or grandparent can volunteer to serve! This is a great time to mingle with the wonderful students at our Primary School.
Before volunteering, you MUST complete the following two items:
1) Food Handler's Permit — Please bring a copy to the Primary School front desk. 1-Year Validation (Free)- https://www.tulsa-health.org/volunteer-online-training -OR- 3-Year Validation ($20)- https://tulsa.foodemployeepermit.org.
2) HH Volunteer Application (This must be completed before you can volunteer in any capacity this year).
Please contact Laura Johnson, llhjohnson41@gmail.com, if you're interested. The kids will thank you for it!
After-school enrichment classes offered
American Girl Teacher's Pet Soirée!
Turn your doll into your favorite teacher ... and why not create a beloved class pet while you're at it?! What better way to celebrate back-to-school?
When: Tuesday, September 13 - 3:15-4:45 p.m.
Grades: JK-4th
Maximum class size: 30
Where: Primary School Kindergarten Pod
Pick-up: Primary School flagpole at 4:45 p.m.
Cost: $45
Register: dalmohandis@hollandhall.org
Ms. Ariel's Art Studio
Let your young artists expand their creativity as we adventure into the wonderful Fall season! Crisp colors light up the landscapes! Fall holidays bring forth berries, harvest, owls, woodlands and pumpkins too! Abstract art, which uses visual language of shape, form, color and lines to create a composition will enhance any imagination.
When: September 12 - October 24, Monday - 3:15-4:15 p.m. (no class 10/17)
Grades: K-3rd
Where: Primary School Art Room
Pick-up: Primary School flagpole at 4:15 p.m.
Cost: $120 (6 weeks)
Register: dalmohandis@hollandhall.org
A reminder about drop-off and pick-up times
The building opens each morning at 7:45 a.m. (8:45 a.m. on Wednesdays). If you need to drop off your child before then, before-school care is available.
Pick-up times are staggered to reduce traffic. If your child is out of school at 3:10, please arrive near that time. Those with children dismissed later than that due to clubs and sports, please arrive after the early pick-up line has been through so that you are not blocking the driveways. The first carpool is over by 3:20 or sooner.
Middle School Picture Day
MS picture day is set for Thursday, September 8. Click here for more information about ordering.
Middle School Back to School Night set
MS Back to School Night is next Thursday, September 8 at 5:45-8:30 p.m. This is for parents only. We will all start in the Tandy. Hope to see you there!
MS SOOD (School Out of Doors)
Students are expected to attend SOOD, and many more details will be sent out soon.
4th-6th Grade
Will take place on Holland Hall campus on Friday, September 16, with regular school hours (8:00 a.m. - 3:10 p.m.). More details will be forthcoming.
7th Grade
Will begin at 5 p.m. on Thursday, September 15 for a campout on the Holland Hall campus and will end at 11 a.m. on Friday, September 16. More details here.
8th Grade
Will travel to New Life Ranch early morning Thursday, September 15, and will return to campus to be picked up by 3:00 p.m on Friday, September 16. More details here.
MS Play "Elsewhere" Auditions
Elsewhere By Don Zolidis
At a boarding school in New Hampshire, the old head of school’s house is haunted. When four friends break in and try to spend the night on a dare, they discover a magic doorway into another world, Elsewhere. But the world of pure imagination hides a darker secret full of nightmares - and the friends must embark on a harrowing and emotional journey into their fears to save themselves.
Who: 6th, 7th, & 8th Grade
When: Wednesday, Sept 28, 3:45-5:30 p.m.
What: Cold Reading from the script - no need to prepare anything!
Where: Black Box & the BT
*Rehearsals will begin after Fall Break.

Upper School Parent Association Meeting
Please plan to attend the first Upper School Parent Association Meeting. This meeting will be in held in Tandy Dining and Wellness Center on Thursday, September 8 at Noon. Mr. Parks will speak on his why: the power of practice. We will also hear from College Counseling and Advancement.
Mark your calendars for the other USPA meeting of the semester. It will be virtual on Thursday, November 17 at Noon.
Freshman O and experiential learning coming
Upper School families, Sept. 15-20 is a special time at Holland Hall.
The Freshman head off to the wilderness for campfires, hiking and bonding, and Juniors and Seniors are encouraged to take college trips. Sophomores can expect meaningful service days and more. Check your email for information about each grade's upcoming experience.
NEW! Introducing #dutchcollegevisit
Families, many of you are planning college visits during the Experiential Learning Days. While you're on a college campus, take a picture of your student in front of a sign with the college's name clearly visible. Collect your photos and then hashtag them on Instagram: #dutchcollegevisit
This is not just for Experiential Learning — keep on taking visiting colleges and keep on taking pictures! Just remember to always take a picture with the college's name and tag it #dutchcollegevisit