Dutch Weekly Oct. 14 - 20

Make Holland Hall a part of your fall break!

The Holland Hall Campus will be open Thursday, October 19, and Friday, October 20, from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
* Go for a run or enjoy a family nature walk on Hawk Hill
* Play catch or soccer on one of the school's beautiful practice fields
* Let your child show you their favorite piece of playground equipment and then play as long as they want — recess all day!
* Take your dog for a walk on Hope Hill
* Have a picnic under a shady tree and watch the falling leaves and fall colors
So that everyone can enjoy the campus and stay safe please observe the following guidelines:
* Please call campus safety at 539-476-8100 when you are on your way and let them know that you are coming
* Closely supervise children at all times
* Dogs must be on a leash
* Please pick up after yourself
* Leave no trace — Please pack out all your trash
The buildings will be closed to all except badge holders but the bathrooms on the east side of the Tandy by the stadium and concession stand will be open.
Hope to see you on campus this Fall Break!
Don't miss Holland Hall's Flu Shot Clinic
When: Wednesday, 10/18 - 7:30-11:30 a.m. and 12:30-4:30 p.m.
Where: Morning — Tandy Lawson Conference Room; Afternoon — PS Teacher's Lounge
Who: Open to the Holland Hall Community (Please note: If you want your minor child to receive the vaccine, you will need to be present.)
Cost: $40 to non employees — cash or check is accepted. (Employees' cost is covered by HH.)
No appointment needed.
Thank you to Holland Hall parent, DJ Lees and NextGenRx for for providing this clinic for our community.
See you there!
See you at Field Day!
The Parents' Association is excited to announce that we will have a table at Field Day this year! Come visit us to learn about volunteer opportunities and "shop" a selection of items from the Dutch Exchange. We will have water, wipes, chairs and a quiet-ish place to regroup. See you there!
Picture retakes and PS group pictures set
Mark your calendars for school picture retakes and primary groups on Monday Oct. 23.
Join the 2024 Gezellig committee meeting
We are grateful for our volunteers that help make Holland Hall’s bi-annual fundraiser, Gezellig, such a success! At the upcoming October meeting, we will take a deeper dive into our committee work so bring your ideas and join us!
When: Oct 26, from 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Where: Self Conference Room, located in the Tandy Wellness Center
If you were unable to attend the kick-off meeting but are still interested in participating, we plan on a brief update/overview to bring everyone up to speed so please plan on joining us!
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact Co-Chairs Kulsum Siddiqui at kulsumzsiddiqui@gmail.com, Bronya Zamarin at thezamarins@comcast.net, or Diane Shen at dshen@hollandhall.org. We look forward to seeing you on October 26!
Holland Hall Youth Wrestling Club
Wrestling builds character, teaches kids how to overcome obstacles, handle their emotions, respect authority, the importance of being a good teammate, and that success has to be earned through hard work and determination.
Click here to sign your child up for youth wrestling!
Upper School play — 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'

When: October 26-28 at 7 p.m.
Where: Newman (Black Box) Studio Theatre
Tickets: Adults $10 and Students $7
Click here to purchase your tickets available online.
Get your tickets before it sells out!
Get ready for ARTworks 2023

It is almost time for ARTworks! ARTworks’ artist residency is a longstanding tradition at Holland Hall, giving students a chance to see and interact with working artists at the top of their fields through hands-on instruction, workshops, and presentations. It also includes a Gallery Opening event, followed by a month-long gallery exhibition and sale. Our artist-in-residence this year is Mark Lewis, an acclaimed, Tulsa-based artist. Follow this link for more information about the artist and becoming a patron.
Gallery visits and workshops for students will take place October 23-27, with the Gallery Opening event on Tuesday, October 24. Please keep an eye out for volunteer opportunities.
Click here for more information.
PS Volunteer Sign-up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0849A4AF2DA2FBC61-44689407-artworks#/
MS Volunteer Sign-up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0849A4AF2DA2FBC61-44689931-artworks#/
Please contact Sydney May with any questions at smay@hollandhall.org.
Boutique and Bazaar at Trinity Episcopal Church

Trinity Episcopal Church is having a Boutique and Bazaar event on November 4 (all day). There will be a Patron Party on November 3 with silent auction. If you would like to donate children's clothing contact Kevin Kelly at mrkelly2u@gmail.com, they are still in need of donations.
The Trinity Fair will be Nov 3 & 4
Patron Party and Sale
When: Friday Nov 3, 6-9 p.m.
Cost: $20 per person give patrons first dibs on donated treasures, a 50/50 Raffle, and a Silent Auction of gift baskets.
Saturday Sale
When: Saturday, Nov 4, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
A full day of sales, open to the public, with food and drinks and a pet adoption on the promenade with a local animal rescue.
Do you have quality donations?
Want to donate cash for Trinity Bucks, which are cash donations that have been converted to vouchers for those less fortunate to shop?
Looking for service hours to serve as a volunteer?
Contact Kevin Kelly at mrkelly2u@gmail.com.
Lots of new items in the DutchZone
The Dutch Zone is fully stocked with hoodies and sweatshirts, clear purses, earrings, new bracelets and more. Hours are 9-11 a.m. and 2-4 p.m. Wednesdays; 8-10 a.m. and 2-4 p.m. Thursdays and Fridays.
Look for us at home football games! The Dutch Zone trailer is set up by the stands at Hardesty Field.
Notes from the Nurse — Flu Season
It may seem early, but the flu has already begun in the Tulsa area. Here’s some flu facts to help you be better prepared for the 2023-24 flu season.
Flu symptoms usually come on suddenly. Similarly to COVID, an individual may have one or more of these symptoms.
- fever* or feeling feverish/chills (*not everyone has a fever)
- cough
- sore throat
- runny or stuffy nose
- muscle or body aches
- headaches
- fatigue (tiredness)
- vomiting and diarrhea (more common in children)
Protecting yourself and others from the flu
- Get vaccinated, if you are able. Mark your calendar for HH flu shots, 10/18/23!
- Avoid close contact, if you are sick or from someone who is sick.
- Stay home when you are sick.
- Cover your mouth and nose with tissue when coughing or sneezing.
- Wash your hands.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
- Practice other good health habits. (Get plenty of sleep and physical activity, stay hydrated, eat nutritious foods)
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to one of your school nurses.
Click here to see the latest Holland Hall Illness Protocol.
Tulsa Ballet's 'Jack and the Beanstalk'

This October, Tulsa Ballet presents the return of the beloved children's classic "Jack & the Beanstalk"! Jack and the Beanstalk is a mini story ballet with choreography from Tulsa Ballet’s former Resident Choreographer, Ma Cong.
Jack and the Beanstalk is a great educational performance for your children with themes on bravery, perseverance, and imagination. Imagine their faces lighting up as they enter a magical world full of adventure, a giant beanstalk, and of course a big ogre! Who said you can't learn while having fun?

Schedule and important info for Wednesday, Oct. 18
9th grade students will take the PreACT in the morning:
* Arrive by 8:45 a.m. to the locations below. Testing administration will begin promptly at 9 a.m.
* We are dividing students based on their Global Issues teacher:
Reichard – US Gym Floor
Gross – WAC Stage
* Students are required to wear their school uniforms.
* Students need number 2 pencils - NO mechanical pencils allowed for proper scoring. We will have some extra pencils.
* Calculators are allowed on the math section. Prohibited calculators are TI-89 and TI-92. Students cannot share calculators and we will not have any extras.
* Students are welcome to bring water and a snack for the scheduled break.
* Testing should conclude by noon. See the 'All Students' section below for what happens next.
10th and 11th grade students will take the PSAT in the morning:
* Arrive by 8:45 a.m. to designated testing location (see more below). Testing administration will begin promptly at 9 a.m. Late arrivals will not be permitted to test.
* Testing locations will be posted in the Commons no later than Monday, October 16.
* Students are required to wear their school uniforms.
* Students need to bring a 100% charged laptop and a laptop charger.
* Calculators are allowed on the math section. Click here to see the acceptable calculators. Students cannot share calculators and we will not have any extras.
* Phones and smart watches will need to be turned in to the proctor before testing begins.
* Students are welcome to bring water and a snack for the scheduled break.
* Testing should conclude by noon. See the 'All Students' section below for what happens next.
12th grade students will participate in a Career Panel experience:
* Report to the main dining area at the Tandy by 8:45 a.m.
* Students are required to wear their school uniforms.
* Students will rotate between four different panels: Art, Law, Education, and Medicine
* This event will conclude shortly after 11 a.m. See the 'All Students' section below for what happens next.
All Students
After the various tests and career panels, some students have athletic practices. While we do not have classes after the testing, students can eat lunch on campus and begin setting up for Field Day with their club or their class.
We will have many moving pieces on this day, so we ask that you be in conversation and contact with your child regarding if/when and with whom they leave campus. We want students to complete their obligations to their teams or their clubs before they head off of campus for the afternoon. Of course, students are welcome to study or work in the library or commons after the testing and Field Day set up are complete.
Reading Partners service opportunity

In the coming months, Holland Hall and Reading Partners Tulsa will launch a partnership with Tulsa Public Schools' Hamilton Elementary to provide one-on-one literacy tutoring to students in kindergarten through Grade 4, as well as support the Hamilton community with visits, donations, and support of activities. We have options to tutor at other local public elementary schools as well. Many students have already signed up to be virtual tutors and we encourage families to participate. We will share more about training and upcoming events in the coming weeks. If you'd like to learn more, or sign up to volunteer, please visit www.readingpartners.org/volunteer.
BIG changes are coming to the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)! Are you ready?
Be more informed with the guidance of College Money Method's financial aid expert, Paul Martin. Holland Hall has collaborated with a select group of secondary schools to offer this webinar, hosted by Paul, on all-things FAFSA. The webinar is free to Holland Hall families.
When: Monday, Oct. 23
Time: 7-8 p.m.
Register: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Y9lRH0rgQ7aIk0iL-EpegA
Senior Parents: The CSS Profile is open
If your student is applying Early Decision (ED) or Early Action (EA) to colleges that require the CSS Profile, your submission deadline will still be in November or December. You can check https://profile.collegeboard.org/profile/ppi/participatingInstitutions.aspx to find out which colleges on your list require the CSS Profile. This list hasn’t been updated for the award year 2024-25, but it’s a starting point. Given the late FAFSA open, more colleges are expected to require the CSS Profile this cycle. Please confirm all financial aid application requirements directly on the college’s financial aid website.
Join us for an Evening with College Counseling
When: October 26, 5:45 p.m.
Where: US Lecture Center
Presented by the US Parent Association Council- An Overview of the College Process at Holland Hall - meet the newest member of the College Counseling Team, ask questions, and learn the schedule and philosophy behind Holland Hall’s College Counseling. Contact Sarah Jane Gillett with any questions.

Middle School PA — Meet the librarians, literacy, and learning specialists
When: Monday, October 30, 12-1 p.m.
Where: Middle School Library
Middle School Parents' Association Meetings are a chance to connect with other parents and meet staff who hold vitally important roles at the school.
At this meeting - Meet the Middle School librarians and learning specialists, an essential part of our school. Learn how they use their knowledge and passion to instill a lifelong love of reading, critical thinking, research skills, and reading for understanding in our children. Find out how they can help you support your student and how parents can use Middle School Library resources.
Basketball teams for 4th-6th grades are forming
Holland Hall will be supporting 4th - 6th grade basketball teams through Indian Nations. The INBC has over 30 clubs including private and public schools. For general league information, you can visit www.inyouthsports.com.
If your child is interested in playing basketball this year (recreational or select), you will need to go to www.sportabase.com and under new registrations, click the drop down box with basketball and select Holland Hall. Sportabase is open to allow anyone in 4th-6th grade interested in basketball to sign up with Holland Hall. Please be sure to register under the appropriate grade and gender when completing the registration form. You will select rec or select for level of play. The coaches for each grade will determine the number of teams, and how many rec or select teams will be formed.
Fees - The player fee for rec and select is $140. This money will cover league fees, officials and uniforms. You will be able to pay the fee when you follow the aforementioned registration procedures. For more information, refer to the email sent to parents on Friday morning.
Pennies for Pink
WHERE: Collection boxes in the library
WHEN: Now through October 25
WHY: Support for the Susan G. Komen Foundation for breast cancer care and research
HOW: Send $ (coins, bills, checks: to Holland Hall)
All donations through the Oct. 25 will earn your student a PINK free dress Wednesday, Oct. 25.
MS Bring Your Parent to PE Day is coming!

Middle School PE is happy to say that Bring your Parent to PE Day is BACK! Mark your calendars for Wednesday, Oct. 18. This will take place during your child's PE time slot in the middle school gym. Be on the lookout for an email closer to the date. We are excited to have you! Reach out to your child's PE teacher if you have any questions.
Middle School After School Enrichment
Youth Softball Hitting and Fielding Program!
Hitting, Fielding, and Running, Oh My! Come join Middle School Softball Coach, Hayley Busby, as we prepare for future Holland Hall softball teams! Coach Busby played collegiate softball at Oklahoma State University and professionally at Athletes Unlimited in Chicago. It is never too early to begin training together and getting comfortable playing with your future teammates! This softball program will be held in the indoor batting facility and softball field, weather permitting. Training will include instruction on hitting, fielding, throwing, and base running. We will work to improve not only our physical game, but our mental game as well! Come learn the game and grow together as a middle school! If you’ve never played softball before, not a problem, grab a glove and learn to love the game!
Who: Grades 4-6
When: October 23 - November 27 (6 weeks)
Day: Mondays - 3:30-4:30 p.m.
Where: Meet up - MS BT @ 3:15 & walk over to CFPC
Pick-up: Clark Family Baseball Performance Center
Class fee: $112 (invoice to be generated through Procare)
Maximum class size: 20
Register: dalmohandis@hollandhall.org

Reminders about dress code
Now that we have been in school for several weeks, we have noticed a few trends related to our dress code requirements. In order to have a focused learning environment, we need your support in sending your students to school in a manner that adheres to our dress code policies. Please note that no light up shoes are allowed. As the weather turns cooler, we also request only solid, dark colored leggings and tights. Please no prints or designs. Finally, we are having several issues with smartwatches disrupting the learning environment and interfering with class activities. Please leave these devices at home. Only simple watches are allowed. We appreciate your cooperation with this. For more information about the dress code click on the link below. Thank you.
Fall Break is set for Oct. 19-20
Don't forget Fall Break is scheduled for Thursday, October 19 and Friday, October 20.
Group pictures and retakes are set for October
Please mark you calendars for class group pictures and picture retakes on Monday, October 23.
Primary School Calendar
Oct. 18: Field Day
Oct. 19-20: Fall Break
Oct. 23: Picture retakes and group photos
Oct. 27: Primary School Halloween Parade